Russians Call to Fight Fascism in Ukraine on Labor Day

May 1, 2024 Hour: 9:02 am

On Wednesday, the Russian Communist Party advocated the eradication of “fascism in Ukraine” during an event in Moscow on the occasion of the International Workers Day.


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“Today we celebrate this holiday and set ourselves several concrete tasks, which are impossible to solve without consolidating all the state and patriotic forces that love the homeland,” said Gennady Zyuganov, the 76-year-old leader of the Communist Party.

During his speech, given to dozens of followers near the monument to Karl Marx in Moscow, he assured that the main task consists of “defeating fascism and nazism that occupied Ukraine.”

Evoking the experience of the Soviet Union during the Second World War, Zyuganov recalled that the solidarity of citizens was what allowed “the defeat of the fascist hordes” of that time.

“The unique experience of the USSR will again be required by the country,” Zyuganov said in front of Communist party members waving red flags.

For three years, Russia has significantly reduced traditional celebrations on the occasion of the International Workers Day for security reasons.

Previously, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions recommended replacing the once common mass marches with smaller celebrations that vindicate the working class.

This year, no large marches were held in cities such as Moscow, Vladivostok, and Tyumen. Also, for precautionary reasons, several Russian regions gave up holding the May 9 parade, which commemorates the Soviet victory against Nazi Germany in World War II.

However, the military parade will be held in Moscow’s Red Square, which was closed by the authorities two weeks ago to prepare for this traditional Russian event.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: EFE